Page name: Hott Guys! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-04-21 01:54:33
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Courtesy of [Bitter Little Bastard] Thanks!

Hott Guys! Is currently undergoing a change in policy and operation. I shall be instating a committee soon as all of the pieces fall together. If you are interested in joining message me ([*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]) or you could problem just write a comment on this page. Thanks and bye.


I'm in [Hott Guys!@*wiki]

Paste this in your house (without *'s)

Hott Guys:

[Poptarts4000] cools im a hott guy!!
[Pin-Up] [Muffin Man] [----]- I hope im not being stared at, thats kinda creepy
[The New Enigma] wow i just realized this is gonna give me a big head
[Bitter Little Bastard]
[Derrty SkittleZ]
[FreakOnALeash]How in the hell?!
[top gun]
[Lost Traveler]
[Cocaine Barbie]
[Nature Boy]
[Witch Hunter]
[Sigard The Faithless]
[Capt. Anarchy]


-[Pin-Up] [Muffin Man] [----] (they are all mine :) and aparently im a hot guy :S

[Bitter Little Bastard] i guess i'm hot since i'm here...oh well, i'm not complaining

[Derrty SkittleZ] Wow... cool, I'm a hott guy? Interesting....

haha i was invited to join im not gonna complain about it [The New Enigma] here and thanks for inviting me to join (yes i was the one to clean up the look of this page)


[Sigard The Faithless]

[Elvómir] Came in first place in the first Hott Guys! election!

[FreakOnALeash] Second place winner of the first ever Hott Guys! election!

[silentwolf] The one and only winner of the second ever election!!!!

[DrakeRivenworth] The one and only winner of the third ever Hott Guys election!!!

"If anyone feels the need to point out whether I was the only person to vote for. I shall poke thee in thee eye with a stick personally :p Ta ducks"

[top gun]
First Place Winner!

[Lost Traveler]
First place winner!

[Cocaine Barbie]
Second Place winner!

[Nature Boy]
"meh, i don't think i'm hot but Flutterbi does"

[xyu] Second Place Winner!

[DCSHOECOUSA] "I love [Dre]!"

[Witch Hunter] Second Place Winner!

[shuthefuckup] <.<.....uhh....>.> who ME? lol Kool xD

[shawivan] Second place winner


[Capt. Anarchy]


Hott Guys Nominations
Hott Guys Mailing List
Hott Loosers!

Username (or number or email):


2004-06-30 [Swedish Fish]: not many guys have confidence in their hottnes i guess?!

2004-06-30 [The New Enigma]: no we dont... no we dont, im only here cuz i was invited

2004-06-30 [*sammi*]: this page is hilarious. can you nominate people?

2004-06-30 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Yeah! Just send them a message asking them to join! That's how almost all of these members got here!

2004-06-30 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Hey you just gave me a good idea! I'm gonna add a page where people go and nominate Hott Guys and people can vote on them! YAY! I'm gonna do that in a bit!

2004-07-01 [*sammi*]: woah...i feel special now...can you nominate [FreakOnALeash] for me? he has pretty eyes.

2004-07-01 [Shortqt2009]: could u nominate [Derrty SkittleZ]?

2004-07-01 [MunkyDogE]: could u nominate [Jay Jay]

2004-07-01 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: [Derrty SkittleZ] is already a member

2004-07-01 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: I added that people you wanted added. But just so you know you can add them yourself

2004-07-01 [Derrty SkittleZ]: So what yall are gonna have a election on who is gon' be da hottest guy in Elftown? Haha! Nicceee...

2004-07-01 [*Laura*]: ur all minging

2004-07-01 [Tank_Girl]: go to Hott Guys Nominations to vote!

2004-07-01 [Tank_Girl]: oh and the voting is not done on the same ones on this page.

2004-07-02 [I'll Give you my heart]: Don't you wish you could see who is voting on you? All you know is it could be a 65 year old troll from Alaska.

2004-07-03 [Classy Lad]: silentwolf

2004-07-03 [twinkie mascot]: O_o?...hott..umm...nominations? *is confused*

2004-07-03 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: go to VOTE to vote and go to Hott Guys Nominations to nominate hott guys!

2004-07-09 [-The Digital Stitches-]: Hahahahaha. Ha. All cute :)

2004-07-09 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: You don't vote for the same Hott Guys that are here, we're voting to get new hott guys in here! So there are six different Hott Guys at VOTE just waiting for your vote!

2004-07-10 [DrakeRivenworth]: Apparently, I'm winning in the just found out I was in the running a few days ago! O_o

2004-07-11 [+Slightly+]: Elvomir!?! Haha, wohoo, what a hot friend i have :oP

2004-07-17 [sex~godess]: wow, so this is the hott guy not

2004-07-17 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Well, you should be! The second and third ones are the hottest guys I've ever seen!!!!

2004-07-21 [PettyDeath]: Where's the goth boys? I want some paleness on those faces! You guys are all horny, I'm thinking, because it's weird man, it's weird... go like... kill a squirrel or something.. I know what you're thinking, but those fuckers are evil and had it coming...

2004-07-25 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: If you want goth boys, then find one and nominate him at Hott Guys Nominations!

2004-07-25 [PettyDeath]: Wouldn't that classify me as being a dickhead, what if their shy and don't want to be hot, nor noticed?

2004-07-25 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Then they can't get in. But if you don't want to ask them, give me there name and I'll ask them for you. ^_^

2004-07-29 [PettyDeath]: Well, I guess Elvomir is closest to being the pale-hotness that I enjoy, praise to him, praise to the pale one! *praying to candles*

2004-07-30 [Elvómir]: ............riight well i wasnt scared before but i am no.... O_o

2004-07-30 [Canadian_Chick01]: Who votes for who wins the Hot Guy election?

2004-07-30 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Girls, all you have to do is go to VOTE and put the name of the hottest guy in the comment section and u have voted.

2004-08-02 [PettyDeath]: Worry not, dear Elvomir... heh... DEAR GOD ALEXJ PULL UP YOUR PANTS! What would your ancestors think... I feel like a perv just looking at these boys. Especially the ones younger than me >.< I stumbled onto this Wiki, but now I'm a perv. Heh... *prays to more candles.. twice as many as last time.. then lights clothing on fire.. Crap.. hurts..*

2004-08-03 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: You okay?! *looks concerned*

2004-08-03 [PettyDeath]: Yeah... *watches the candles intently... they are talking..* Yeah.. I'm okay....

2004-08-03 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Okay good. [AlexJ] does need to pull up his pants. They top part of that pic is REALLY hott but the lower half is dumb cause you can see his tan line!

2004-08-03 [PettyDeath]: Ew, tanning.. yuck. I can almost see his penis, that's why I want his pants pulled up. I will find a goth asshole, and he'll be hot, and he'll melt all of the candles *side glances at the candles.. shit..* gotta go!

2004-08-03 [PettyDeath]: Excuse me while I preform an exorcism on myself... because it's hot to do that.

2004-08-07 [PettyDeath]: Hott... HOT? Hot... HOTT?... hot.... I was concieved on Christmas day.

2004-08-07 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: hi^_^

2004-08-09 [PettyDeath]: Hey, when were you concieved?

2004-08-09 [Cocaine Barbie]: Second Eh....Rockin

2004-08-09 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: me wen was i conceived?...april 16th same as charlie chaplin

2004-08-09 [PettyDeath]: Not BORN... concieved. You know what I'm trying to talk to you about?

2004-08-09 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: oooo.....oops*embarrassment* um i think it was july 28 or sumthin

2004-08-10 [PettyDeath]: Nice! I'm glad my parents were horny during Christmas, all of those present openings must've been arousing or something..

2004-08-10 [~* ZoDi4C *~]: yea apparently so...

2004-08-12 [PettyDeath]: Deadcell... when were you concieved? Boys in this wiki are snotty - only Elvomir is nice enough to talk to me.. all the rest are bitches.

2004-08-12 [PettyDeath]: Oh, and check out my classified ad in Smiley's Classifieds, you'll not regret it ;)

2004-08-21 [PettyDeath]: Wow, this wiki is shitly quiet. Who wants to roxorz my soxorz?

2004-08-21 [Dragonthryth]: What the hell r you talking bout!?!?!?

2004-08-21 [PettyDeath]: Your face on a bun. Isn't that nice. A moose once bit my sister.

2004-08-30 [Dragonthryth]: isn't that movie halrious?

2004-08-30 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Huh?! What movie?!

2004-09-06 [Dragonthryth]: LoL!! oh my god! you truely have no idea what i'm tlking bout do you? well rather you ment to or not you took a line out of 'Monty Python and hte Holy Grail' from the subtitles. ok how it works is you hve the subtitles and then you hve the sub-subtitles (which r simpley under the subtitles) adn in one of those the person says 'A moose once bit my sister' next he says 'no really it did....' he said somting else but i cant remember what it was. but that is the movie i'm taling about please tell me that you haef at least heard of it.

2004-09-06 [colbert;]: okay.. if you guys werent so freaking shallow you'd read thru [AlexJ]'s house and see that he past away. So dont say he needs to pull his pants up because he cant. He's not on this earth anymore. So dont just put people pictures up without reading their bios.

2004-09-08 [*Beautiful Angel*]: I gotta say [WingsOfTheOsiris] Should of been the First Place winner because he is mmm....mmm FINE! lol Hi!

2004-09-20 [.soldier]: Hello.

2004-09-20 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: Hello, how are you?

2004-09-21 [.soldier]: I'm fine, yourself?

2004-09-21 [DCSHOECOUSA]: have i won yet?

2004-09-21 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: I am fine. Oh and [ATREYU] yes you have won! Sorry, I have been slightly busy. Well I suppose I don't have to send you a Congratulations email. Well just add the banner to ur house and I'll add ur name and pic up i a minute. PS do you want anything special written next to ur pic or a special pic put up?

2004-09-21 [DCSHOECOUSA]: ummm just take anyone from my page, pic that is... and uhmm if you could but i love [Dre] beside it that would be great, thank you!

2004-09-22 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: np

2004-09-25 [*Beautiful Angel*]: Yay [DCSHOECOUSA]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*claps*

2004-09-25 [DCSHOECOUSA]: lol *bows* thank you!

2004-10-07 [froggy06]: hey, any single guys in here

2004-10-07 [*_* Smiley on Ecstasy]: I don't know. I went through and checked a while ago but I can't remember. Just go to all there houses and see what their civil status (at the bottom) is...

2004-10-11 [Lapin De Sexe]: there's alot of hot guy's here

2004-10-11 [*Beautiful Angel*]: hell yeah but most of them are taken. My philosphy is Very nice, sweet, abd CUTE guys are either Taken or Gay. Both fine but still it really sucks!

2004-10-12 [DCSHOECOUSA]: hey im not taken lol

2004-10-12 [realitylApse]: hmmm....

2004-10-13 [*Beautiful Angel*]: Lol true!

2004-10-13 [*Beautiful Angel*]: [realitylApse] I saw your picture you should enter your pretty cute

2004-10-27 [FireDemonAisha]: GO SEE [AFboy21] AND PUT HIS PIC UP..... i don't know how to. he's realy nice, know him personaly

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